Top 10 Laptop Stands for Bed

My mum incessantly lectures me about the side effects of being glued to multiple devices, but how do I explain to her my dependence on these to even find my way back home. Not just that, I have even forgotten the last time I watched TV since Netflix and Amazon Prime have a lot more on offer. However, off late, I have been experiencing stiffness and pain in back, neck and shoulders. I did a bit of research and found that it is the result of wrong sitting posture that’s causing all the strain and taking a toll on my overall health. A little bit more reading and I figured out one of the easiest ways to address this issue without giving up the freedom of working on a laptop is to use a laptop stand. Moreover, keeping your device on your lap can potentially restrict airflow and can cause damage to it. Read on to know more about the 10 best laptop stands available in India. 1) AmazonBasics Ventilated Laptop Stand (Black) This zigzag ventilated laptop stan...