Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar | Buy Apple Cider Vinegar Online at Big Basket | Big Basket Coupons

There are many homemade remedies for the side effects that we suffer from the lifestyle we lead nowadays. One of the most effective ingredients that you should introduce in your diet for keeping your body, skin, and hair healthy is apple cider vinegar. Why don’t we see what are some of the benefits of introducing apple cider vinegar (ACV) into your diet? Related: Latest Big Basket Offers . 1. Reduces your tummy problems : The oldest and most popular use of apple cider vinega r is the fact that it can reduce your tummy woes by intaking ACV diluted with water. ACV acts as an antibiotic when you are faced with stomach problems like diarrhoea. It also contains prebiotics that helps in soothing your intestinal spasms. You can also cure acid reflux ( acid climbing back into your oesophagus leading to nausea, belching and heartburn) by increasing the acid level in your digestive tract. 2. Helps In Losing Weight : Look at your eyes, they are wide open – you have been w...