10 Superfoods To Include In Your Diet For Weight Loss | Bigbasket Offers and Coupons

Weightloss routine needs a lot of dedication and perseverance to see effective results. Apart from the regular workout routine, one must also inculcate healthy eating habits. Include loads of veggies, fruits, lean meats and nuts to supplement your body with healthy nutrients. There are some amazing foods which are highly nutritious but extremely low in calories. To know more about these weight loss superfoods, take a look at the below list. Big Basket Offer Today 1. Apple Grab an Apple to beat your mid-day cravings. It makes the best snack or add-ons for your breakfast or lunch. Apples are loaded with dietary fibre, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. They are exceptionally low in calories and makes a wholesome food. Apples indeed top the list of superfoods and are just the right choice to shed those extra kilos off your waistline. 2. Berries Any fruit which belongs to the family of berries can be devoured blindly. Yes! They are all powerhouses of anti-oxidants a...